status: OPEN!

scroll for more options and examples!

lineart bust: $4
lineart half: $6
lineart full: $10

flat-color bust: $5
flat-color half: $8
flat-color full: $15

cell-shaded bust: $7
cell-shaded half: $10
cell-shaded full: $20

lineart bust: $4
lineart half: $6
lineart full: $10

flat-color bust: $5
flat-color half: $8
flat-color full: $15

cell-shaded bust: $7
cell-shaded half: $10
cell-shaded full: $20

lineart bust: $4
lineart half: $6
lineart full: $10

flat-color bust: $5
flat-color half: $8
flat-color full: $15

cell-shaded bust: $7
cell-shaded half: $10
cell-shaded full: $20


simple reference sheet: $25+
complex reference sheet: $35+
custom character: $20+
big banners: $15+

status: OPEN!

scroll for more options and examples!

status: OPEN!

scroll for more options and examples!


if you need to contact me, whether if be about commissions, questions, or if you just want to talk, i would suggest contacting me via instagram dms! i am most active there.

in addition, i am very active on my discord (heather#9400) but please only contact me there if you're interested in commissions.

i may or may not respond on other social media platforms, but you can try! i just forget they exist sometimes oops